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Theology Shaping Witness

Welcome to the online home of Touchstone,
a Canadian journal of theology and heritage.

Touchstone engages Christian thought, the Bible, ethics, and life in light of contemporary life and the witness of the past. Our contributors are often part of The United Church of Canada, but many others join us in exploring these questions as well. Printed editions arrive in your mailbox  three times each year. The online version appears one year later.


Touchstone is a registered charity and operates on a non-profit, volunteer basis.


Have a look at our blog and check out some past editions on this site. Why not subscribe and find out more about the latest thinking? Significant discounts are available to new subscribers, theological students, and those recently ordained, commissioned, recognized, or designated. We are also grateful to receive donations of any amount to help sustain the ministry of the journal, now in our 44th year. 


Welcome to Touchstone!


Rev Dr Sandra Beardsall
Chair of the Editorial Board

Touchstone Journal Canada

©2024 by Touchstone Journal Canada.

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